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Sprayin a coat, that's dope

                                        Spaying A Coating What is a Spray Coat?  Applying a spray coat to your raw project is a great way to seal the surface and allow your final topcoats to lay on the wood much smoother and with finer luster. We can spray a coating right after we finish our surface prep, this is called a Wash Coat,  why we apply a wash coat is to avoid the wood for blotching with a wiping stain, this also gives a consistent colour to our project. We also can spray what we call a sanding coat before or after your stain for more durability and protection for the stain or the project, these are great for a piece that will get used often like a table, chair, etc... The last spray coat will be a Lacquer,  15Ā°, 35Ā°, 50Ā°, and 90Ā° is all up to you or your client depending on the sheen you want to achieve.....Higher the number, more shine you will get. ...

Sprayin' Stain Like It Ain't No Thang

David Turbide and Fatima Gharooni Spraying Stain or: How  I Learned  To  Stop  Blotching  And  Love  The  Gun Some species of wood look great with a wiping stain! like Oak or other open pore woods. However, other species such as Birch, Maple, and Cherry can blotch and look like garbage.  So, when applying colour by mechanically wiping stains, issues may arise:   1) Blotching   2) Blotching ! 3) Blotching !! Pigments that are picked up by a rag and wiped onto the surface are forced into crevices and uneven growth structure of wood. This leads to unsightly discolouration. Prevention Spraying a stain, rather than wiping on/off with a rag, creates an even colour throughout. The pigments or dye are deposited on the surface in the wood in the form of droplets penetrate evenly. Here's a cute little video of Graham doin' his thing:


The fan adjustment dial is used to control the width of your fan by adjusting the amount of air distributed to the various air passages in the air cap. As the dial is turned to the right (tightening the dial) the fan gets smaller, circular, and more condensed. Working with a smaller fan can allow for more precision, although if the fan size is too small, it can result in an overabundance of material condensed in one spot which can lead to streaks and runs.                                                    As the dial is turned to the left (loosening the dial) the pattern of the fan gets wider, less concentrated, and more dispersed. Working with a wider fan allows for broader and more even coverage, but if  the fan size is too wide, the efficiency transfer is lower, thus wasting material, and the product may dry too fast cau...

5 Glazing Techniques That You Must See!

These 5 glazing techniques are used by the master craftsman of Rosemount Technology Center.  Read the list and add them to your repetoire. By Rob and Joe 1. Seal your substrate:  Whether you are applying color with a wiping stain or going for a natural wood look, be sure to seal your piecce before you apply glaze.   2. Scuff sand your sealer and Apply Glaze: Once you have sealed your substrate, scuff sand with 320 grit and apply glaze on top of coating.  3 Make a Tampon: Make a ball with a small rag and wrap it with a clean white rag.  This tampon will serve as your applicator.   4 Apply Glaze Liberally:  Using small circular motion, apply glaze liberally with your tampon. Cover piece uniformly and allow to dry for 5 minutes until glaze achieves a pudding texture. 5 Carefully Remove Glaze: The most important step, carefully wipe off glaze in the direction of the grain.  Use very light passes to achi...

Air Pressure on Syphon Gun

Before you start spraying it is essential to understand where and how the air travels to your syphon gun in order to achieve a successful operation of your gun. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? Large amounts of air will be drawn from the air compressor (1-10) into the regulator through copper pipes. (1-10) Once the air has traveled through the motor and into your regulator (2-10), you will be able to rate the volume of air called CFM (Cubic Feet of air per minute) and the pressure that is delivered to the spray nozzle (3-10) , called PSI (pounds per square inch).  (2-10)  (3-10) Note: You will be able to open and close the Bypass Valves to prevent or redirect the air pressure within the pipes.                                ADJUSTING THE PSI ON YOUR REGULATOR. There are many types of spray guns you can use. The most recent syphon guns will have a manual air regulator (4...

Wiping stain:

April 20th 2018 Presented by: Alejandro Vera luo weicai  Wiping stain: Solvent based Pigmentbased Semi trasnparent We need: Piece of wood (maple) Clean white rags (2 or 3) Wiping stain (can also be coloured) Safety equipment such as globes, apron and mask Conditioning: By sanding (usually start with #220 grid sand paper) Wash coat Bleach     Rags Avoid seams for scratching or streaks while appliyng.   Create a tampon Fold your rags evenly in a ball Make sure the rag has a smooth surface and no stains in case of contamination     Applying the stain with a tampon Dip rag into stain - be generous Apply it in circular mode untill all suface is coated Let it sit for a few minutes so the color attached to surface    Remove the stain - it's all about removing it! Do not apply too much preasure while taking it off Use a clean rag to remove the stain s...