April 20th 2018
Presented by:
Alejandro Vera
Alejandro Vera
luo weicai
Wiping stain:
- Solvent based
- Pigmentbased
- Semi trasnparent
We need:
- Piece of wood (maple)
- Clean white rags (2 or 3)
- Wiping stain (can also be coloured)
- Safety equipment such as globes, apron and mask
- By sanding (usually start with #220 grid sand paper)
- Wash coat
- Bleach
Avoid seams for scratching or streaks while appliyng.
Create a tampon
- Fold your rags evenly in a ball
- Make sure the rag has a smooth surface and no stains in case of contamination
Applying the stain with a tampon
Dip rag into stain - be generous
- Apply it in circular mode untill all suface is coated
- Let it sit for a few minutes so the color attached to surface
Remove the stain - it's all about removing it!
- Do not apply too much preasure while taking it off
- Use a clean rag to remove the stain separate from the one you applyied the
- stain with.
- Make sure there are no streaks left behind when when removing the stain.
Wiping stain dries in a matter of seconds.
Make sure to close your container, so the product does not evaporate,
spills or gets contaminated
Seal by either using Megasand or Laquer (or both, Mgacat after Megasand)
Sealing drying time is about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Sealing drying time is about 45 minutes to 1 hour
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